Friday 27 June 2008

SCC beats BHPB by 3 wickets, possibly the biggest upset of the season!

It is no mean feat for Sanket to put a team together. Most of us, are expats, who find cricket a pleasant diversion from daily life, which is governed by the need to perform excellently at the high standard set by our company. To the benefit of all concerned, our company’s clients, our company and last, but not least, ourselves;-)

Production issues, important conferences, seminars, injuries, home leave and even posting to other locations, hamper him and captain Sandy, in putting together the strongest possible side. With Veneeth, Naresh, Mahesh, Marius and Kumar, not being able to attend yesterday’s game, Sanketh barely managed to get eleven to man the squad. Fortunately, AK, Senthil, Thijs, Mukul and Agam were able to take part and each, contributed to his own right in the surprising outcome of the second match against BHPB.

SCC, had found itself on the wrong end of the stick, when it was thrashed in the first confrontation, reported earlier in this same blog. BHPB’s captain, Big John Sist, who had played a dominating role in dishing out the thrashing, had given himself an evening off and did not participate, this time. Which was a pity, for John is an asset in all 3 innings to the game.

BHPB won the toss and elected to bat. Their opener went retired not out at 25 runs, but right from the start, it was clear to everybody that this was a totally different game than the first one. This time, the SCC bowlers, AK, Senthil, Agni, Mukul, managed to contain the BHPB batsmen to a respectful 123. A reasonable target, in comparison to the 180 plus, during the first match. Newcomers Mukul and Agam, both established themselves as assets to the team, not only for their abilities on the field, but specially for their participation in the 3rd innings.

AK, who made an excellent contribution bowling, was extremely pleased with one of his wickets. During a particular over, he had the batsman in all sorts of trouble, the ball hitting his pads, every other ball. Strong appeals for the first two interceptions with the pad, did not deliver the desired result. Nor did the strong appeal for the third, but to AK’s relief and joy, the umpires finger went up, just as the loud appeal was dying down!

To SCC, the figures show, 124 runs were a jaunting target. Never before had it managed to make that many runs in a 20/20 match. Openers Agni and Sanket, illustrated how playing regularly in the Dutch competition with HBS, has improved their game. Both went retired not out exceeding the maximum 25 runs limits, by 2 and 1 run respectively. Not for a moment did BHPB seem to take the initiative, although both Thijs and Senthil’s innings ended with unfortunate run outs. AK and Mokul made useful contributions to the score. Opa Paul’s Man of the Match, Agam, illustrated how excellent an all rounder he is when he slogged BHPB’s opening bowler for 6, as if it was the easiest thing to do.

It must be said that all of SCC was relieved and elated with this victory. BHPB, proofed to be as good and sporting losers as they are winners and provided a most enjoyable third Innings. Hopefully, we can play BHPB again this season, in a friendly decider. Due to a misunderstanding, Opa Paul failed to provide the Indian meal, he had promised Big John, but next time better. Unfortunately, none of the BHPB players could make it to Kashmir, where the memorable victory was celebrated till after midnight.

Well done chaps, keep up the good work. Next week, on the 2nd of July, same place, same time, different opponent: EUREKA!

Unfortunately, no one was present to take photo's of this event. SCC still has no scorer and scorebook! Volunteer required!

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