Thursday 3 July 2008

Eureka wins and ends SCC's winning streak;-)

In the penultimate over, Eureka reached the 137 target SCC had set them. Unfortunately, I was just able to see the final two balls, because I had a match elsewhere, which I wanted to attend. The score sheet showed that there were good all round performances by Agni and Senthil, excellent bowling figures too Senthil and not surpsingly by the new chaps on the block Agem and Mukul.

Driving Vineet, Agem and Mokul to the station, to take trains to Eindhoven and Hilversum, respectively; just to illustrate how keen these gentlemen are in taking part, I heard a number of things worth mentioning.

First of all Naris took a spectacular catch! There was also a discussion about the fact that bowlers are offered advice by 5 or 6 players simultaneously and that the fielding positions are changed quite frequently. I know that no harm is intended, but this must change. Days are getting shorter and it is necessary to get your overs bowled as soon as possible. Field settings, should be known for each situation and positions should be changed as little as possible during an over. In the ideal situation the 20 overs should be bowled in less than 1 hour, but they should not take longer than 80 minutes.

I know we Dutch are a funny lot. We like to do things our own way and are always ready to deviate and make our own interpretations, but not in cricket. For cricket "proper", as I call it, the 42 Laws apply. For limited overs cricket, special rules are applied, which might differ considerably from the original law.

In de "bedrijfscompetitie" which SCC takes part in, I was told by senior umpire Norman Langdon, the wide rules as in Senior KNCB cricket, do not apply. Umpires should be more lenient, specially for balls on the leg side. Here only balls passing behind the batsman's pads should be considered wide. (The batsman of course should be standing in a normal batting position;-) To be absolutely sure that there is no misunderstanding umpires should confer before the match, how o.a. wides are to be judicated.

The gentleman who explained that balls pitched outside leg stump are always wide unless hit by the bat, is mistaken. A wide should never be called if the ball touches any part of the batsman's person or equipment. I am sure no harm was intended, but hopefully someone shall point this out to him, so that he'll correct his ways. Good on you SCC umpires that you were not tempted to use his way of judging wides on leg side. Two wrongs, don't make a right;-)

The good fielding performances by Vineet,Ramarao, Sulabh, Srinivas and Jai could not prevent us from losing the game. Hard Luck!

Is it? Or could lack of practice be a major factor. Let's find out! There is a session planned with Job van Bunge, of, on 12th July 2008, at 16:00 hours on the Quick Haag, ground. Please all attend, after the session, we shall discuss the plans for the rest of the year.

We also need a permanent scorer. Please visit: PitchPad to download the latest free version. Spread the word to your cricketing friends, it is fantastic and absolutely FREE!

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